The home care / home health agency drawn will receive five (5) one-hour-long sessions via zoom with Kevin Hansen to work with the business owner on the following stages of brand development:
1. Defining Your Brand Essence
Brand Personality, User Values, Emotional Rewards, Functional Benefits, and Features
The first 20 minutes will include the owner providing Kevin with a summary of the WHY of the company and what they feel is key to their brand essence from what they filled out in the “Identifying Your Brand Essence” chapter.
Prior to the meeting, a form will be sent to the owner to complete, asking for everything entered by the owner in this chapter to be submitted. The remaining 40 minutes of the call will include a review and discussion regarding those entries.
Kevin will provide feedback and ask questions to help better define areas of the Brand Essence – where needed.
2. Identifying the Right-Fit Audience
Prior to this meeting, a form will be sent to the owner asking for specifics about their Right-Fit Client/Caregiver and prospective referral partners. The goal of this meeting will be to narrow down future sales/marketing efforts and gain critical insight from their (the right-fit audience) perspective.
The first 20 minutes will be the owner sharing the core areas of service they wish to provide and other key factors about clients/caregivers to consider. The remaining 40 minutes will be a dialogue between Kevin and the owner about how to best engage and connect with them through brand assets.
3. Name Considerations
Before the meeting, the owner will complete a form sharing their top five name considerations, each with brief descriptions of why they are among their top choices. The name the owner has selected (if one has been determined) will also be submitted.
Admittedly, this may become more of a “Kevin as the devil’s advocate” session to press on the Heat and Uniqueness (explained in the book) of the names selected. His feedback on the name(s) will be based on the work completed up to this point between the first two sessions.
4. The Logo - Contemplating Icons, Colors, and Fonts
Based on the Brand Essence and the name selected, Kevin will work with the owner to determine various potential logo concepts for the owner to a brand designer. Breaking the mold and pursuing a logo/brand 100% reflective of the Brand Essence is the goal.
Before this meeting, the owner will submit a short list of prospective icons for a logo and examples of colors and fonts they feel reflect the Brand Essence. Each, along with others Kevin may come up with, will be evaluated to help narrow down which the owner wishes to have a brand design company create mock-ups with.
5. Create2Connect
Using one core area of service the owner submits prior to the meeting, Kevin will walk through a process of Solutions-Based Content. This will provide the owner with a process of writing compelling, connective content about the outcomes their Right-Fit audiences can expect.
This pattern of content writing will be incredibly successful with website content, brochures, and videos.
After working with a brand designer to design logo mock-ups, the owner can submit 2-3 final contenders for Kevin to review. The owner can ask for an email from Kevin to express which he feels best reflects the Brand Essence and would be the most successful of the options, or a 15 to 30-minute call can be scheduled to discuss.
Winner Selection
On January 10, 2025, a winner will be selected by random drawing and notified by email.
Names are selected from among the list those who’ve purchased a copy of Branded by Design – Home Care / Home Health Edition. Ten (10) entries are entered for those who’ve pre-ordered and five (5) entries are entered for those who purchase after pre-orders are completed.
Home Care and Home Health agency owners may also submit an entry below to be included in the drawing.
Limitations and Exclusions
For Home Care and Home Health Agency Owners – Only
Owners with a team will need to work through each step with them, and then bring feedback to and from these sessions. These meetings are only to be held with the primary owner. (If the business has two or more equal partners, one needs to be selected to run point on and participate in these calls.)
These meetings are purely about defining the brand and coaching the owner on ideal directions to pursue in creating assets (logo, graphics, photography, and content) for the brand. These calls do not include Kevin creating any deliverables (for example: logo mock-ups and content drafts). The purpose is to coach the owner through the process and empower them to leverage each step with their team and third-party brand designers, website developers, content creators, brochure designer, swag companies, etc. to reflect their brand properly to their right-fit audience.
Kevin will still provide 5 hours of consultation, focusing on 1, 2, and 5. While a franchisee may not have direct influence over changes to a name or the logo, discussions about leveraging the Brand Essence in areas the owner can control will prove incredibly useful and productive.